Printing & Binding Services

Congratulations! If you’ve been granted funding for quick copy services from Finance & Business Committee for your project, the following steps will guide you how to apply these funds toward your project before you begin printing with us:

3 easy steps:

1. Fill out a requisition form. Be sure to include the following:

• Name of account
• Check the “Purchase Order” box
• Make the form payable to “A.S. Publications/Quick Copy”
• Description of the event
• The amount allotted
• Two signatures from authorized signers.

2. Turn in your completed form to the A.S. Administration Office
* Please submit the requisition form at least 5 days before visiting us at the Publications office to ensure that the money is readily available in your account.


3. Visit us at A.S. Publications to complete your quick copy job!


For more info:

If you have any further questions about requisitions or requesting funding, please visit the Finance & Business Committee website at